This is a documentation subpage for Template:Tnull (see that page for the template itself).
It contains usage information, categories and other content that is not part of the original template page.

Usage tulaika

Tnull is used to nullify templates in the monospaced font. It is similar to {{tlx}} in the way that it has support for many parameters.

Example tulaika

Typing {{tnull|foo|bar|baz|boo}} in the edit window would yield {{foo|bar|baz|boo}} in the rendered page.

Special character handling tulaika

"=" (equality sign) tulaika

If there is a "=" character (equality/equals sign) in any parameter, it must be replaced with = [or {{=}}?]:

{{tnull|click|image=image name|width=width|height=height|link=page name}}

Or you can use parameter-number=value as in:

{{tnull|click|2=image=image name|3=width=width|4=height=height|5=link=page name}}

Either method would yield the following output:

{{click|image=image name|width=width|height=height|link=page name}}

"|" (vertical bar, pipe) tulaika

If a second consecutive pipe (|) is used to denote that a parameter has been skipped, you must replace it with | as in:

{{tnull|look from|Alan||all the Alans}}

That would yield the following displayed output:

{{look from|Alan||all the Alans}}

See also tulaika

General-purpose formatting tulaika


Other formatting templates tulaika

Code example Effect Notes
{{tl2|Hatnote|lang=fr}} {{hatnote}} Supports linking to sister projects (e.g., fr:Hatnote)
{{tlu|User:Ahunt/SSHFS}} Template:Tlu Supports linking to any namespace
{{xpd|Hatnote|Some hatnote text}} Template:Xpd1 Shows code, example and a link to expand the template code
{{para|title|<var>book title</var>}} |title=book title Formats template parameters for display, with or without values

With utility links tulaika

Code example Effect
{{lts|Hatnote}} Template:Lts
{{t links|Hatnote}} Template:T links
{{tfd links|Hatnote}} Template:Tfd links
{{tiw|Hatnote}} Template:Tiw
{{tltt|Hatnote}} Template:Tltt
{{tetl|Hatnote}} Template:Tetl
{{tsetl|Hatnote}} Template:Tsetl
{{ti|Hatnote}} Template:Ti
{{tic|Hatnote}} Template:Tic
{{tiw|Hatnote}} Template:Tiw
{{tlt|Hatnote}} Template:Tlt
{{ttl|Hatnote}} Template:Ttl
{{twlh|Hatnote}} Template:Twlh