Please stop. Unconstructive edits are considered vandalism, and if you continue in this manner you will be blocked from editing without further warning. Please stop, and consider improving rather than damaging the hard work of others. Thanks. Syum90 (talk) 12:21, 3 Disiembre 2015 (UTC)Reply

Este na påhinan kombetsasion muna'sesetbi taina'an ni ti ha fa'tinas kuenta-ña pat ti ha u'usa i kuenta. Entonses na in i'isa i numiron IP para in aidentifika gue'.

Buente ha' na guåha unos kuantos na muna'sesetbi ni ma u'usa i enao na IP. An un muna'sesetbi taina'an hao ya manñiente hao na guåha na kommentu ti prisisu ni manadirihiyi hao, pot fabot fa'tinas kuenta-mu pat log in para mansuhayi yinaoyao yan i otru na muna'sesetbi siha.